Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just when you thought it was perfect...

After spending a week up in the desert, we decided to add a little palm tree and humidity to our beach life. Ya gotta change things up around here so we dont get bored :)  We decided to head down to Parque Tayrona to do a little hiking and spend some time on the beach, but before we decided to head into the park we stopped at a little beach spot called Casa Grande to relax for the day.  This place is run by a very kind Colombian family, it`s clean, and let`s be honest it`s beautiful.  We set up our tent about 10 feet from the water and 6 nights later we were still there!!!  We spent our days swimming in the waves, drinking coconuts right off the palm trees, and walking on the sand.  It was incredibly peaceful and relaxing.  (Cuz life is stressful down here for us...right?!)

Scott even surprised me one day with a manicure and pedicure on the beach.  Its been 5 months since my last one... so it was thoroughly enjoyed!!!  I even let the woman paint a flower on my toe... its like I am in high school again.:)  ¿¡Porque no!?

After 6 nights there we decided we should motivate and head into the park, so we packed up our house and off we went.  We were greeted with a lush rainforest trail with all sorts of lizards and crabs.  We hiked about 45 minutes until the trail opened up onto the beach.  The ocean was stunning, with huge boulders and crashing waves.  We found another amazing patch of sand and set up our tent.  We spent 2 nights there relaxing in the park, hiking to different beaches, and swimming in the ocean.  Every afternoon there were crazy thunderstorms which was a refreshing break from the humidity and in some ways very romantic. 

The first night we were peacefully sleeping when all of a sudden we were woken up to the sound of horse hooves. Scott and I both abrubtly sat up inside the tent to a white horse about 4 feet from our tent and trotting straight for us!  Luckily, Scott yelled loudly and at the last minute it veered away from the tent. Maybe horses sleep walk too!?

So after 2 weeks of camping we decided we needed a cold A/C room and a nice bed to sleep in.  We spent a few nights in Santa Marta (not that cool, but we had some great meals and caught up with the family!) and then headed to Taganga.   Coincidentally we ran into Timi from our Bolivian Salt Flat tour in Santa Marta.  Small world!

The view from our bed.... now you know why we stayed here for 6 nights

Morning Walk

Our humble beach abode!

Our friend, Lore Ley, just opened a surf school here!!

A coconut a day keeps the stress away

Rough life at Casa Grande

Check out the moon over our tent

Kinda creepy pretty amazing

Decisions, Decisions

View from the mirador in parque tayrona

stunning beaches

so creepy

Horses get hungry too (a horse trying to steal these guys delicious fresh chocolate bread!)

Arrecifes beach


The beaches in Parque Tayrona

Hiking in the park

So beautiful, I cant believe this is all real

Another scenic part of the trail

Pure Bliss

Postcard perfect!  terry.. this is what is waiting for you in colombia!

Scott loved these birds! And the caiman in the lagoon too....

Another amazing sunset... back to civilization, kinda

I have no more words

Pucker Up Fishy!
Up next...volunteering and helping build an Eco-house in Taganga, Colombia...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. What about Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Brazil!? They on the schedule?

    Did you already hit-up Paraguay & Uruguay?

    45 days / 5 months (150 days) = only 30% of your time camping! :) HOLLLAAAA! GET SOME MORE BABY! LIVE IT, BREATH IT, OWN IT, BE IT! Looking forward to hearing about this Eco-House they have any cheap GeoThermal ideas down there?

    Travel Safe & Live It Up!
